

Continued from the previous page


8. Attitude determines Altitude

After all, no pessimist ever won a war.

There is a saying

“Every cloud has a silver lining

This means that no matter how bad a situation is, there is something that you can learn from it.

However there is a danger that a positive attitude leads to too much unrealistic optimism. The threat to you could be that you see everything “through Rose Coloured Glasses”. You could deny the reality of the situation and downplay the seriousness of what is happening

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Author: Doro

After an extensive career in education, retired on medical grounds in 2016. I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in 2005 and set a goal to work till July, 2012. Then, I went on leave until my official retirement. In my various roles, I dealt with a range of parents, their aspirations for their children and students of a variety of ages. I also engaged with many teachers and colleagues and reflected on the strategies that worked and didn't work. This is the basis of my legacy.