Continued from the previous page
6. The Law of ‘Cause and Effect’– continued
It’s not fair
You’ll hear this quite often.
People like to blame everything and everybody except themselves. They make excuses.
Taking responsibility for your results means that there will be times where you have to admit fault. The challenge to you is to admit responsibility and make no excuses. This takes courage.
People who take charge of their lives and take responsibility for their results develop a purpose and have a clear path to follow.
You can put people into 3 groups:
- The group who make things happen in their life – the Go-getters
- A larger group who watch what is happening – the spectators
- The largest group who are wondering what’s going on – the confused
What this law tells you is that
“your deeds good or bad, will repay you in kind”
A similar law, “The Law of Karma”, states that:
‘if you spend your time spreading happiness through charity, good works, kindness and sympathy to others, you are planting the seeds that will bear the “fruits of happiness” in your own life in the future.’
So the “Law of Cause and Effect” states that:
- Consequences always depend on action.
- Living in the now (the presence) always makes or helps our future
- We are only an individual in the great mass of humanity in the world, but we are responsible for the effects of our action
- as-you-sow-so-shall-you-reap
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