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5. Live life to the full guided by “the Golden Rule”

Or the religious version

This is the most important Principle that you can use to guide you as you live your life.

It is a simple rule.

The Golden Rule states

Treat others the way you want them to treat you.

The power behind the Golden Rule is that you show other people how to respond and connect with you by the way you treat them.

The Golden Rule is like a mirror. When you treat people fairly and courteously, they respond with the same respect and courtesies to you.

It doesn’t work all the time. Sometimes people don’t reflect back to you the courtesies you use on them. They might take advantage of you.
However, practicing the Golden Rule builds a strong purpose for you. Over time, it can strengthen your confidence and builds a level of toughness.

To make it work for you, repeat the Golden Rule to yourself every day. When you find that people don’t reflect courtesies back to you, you begin to ease them out of your life so that eventually they are on the fringe or you have nothing to do with them.

When you stick to the “Golden Rule”, over time, you will find that there’s an inner confidence that grows inside you. It will give you the strength to say to others…..”I’m treating you respectfully and expect the same back from you. If you don’t change your manner to me, this conversation/meeting is over.”


“Please get me your boss or supervisor who can show more respect/dignity”

Having a prepared script, such as the words above, can be a useful way to deal with different situations. You get better at it as you become more experienced and your confidence grows.

This works really well when you remain calm and controlled. At first, you might find that your heart is racing. Like any other skill, it will take practice to perfect. The more often you practice the “Golden Rule” the better you become.

The Golden Rule shows you the right way to live your life. You follow this to become a person who is able to choose to do the right thing. It becomes part of your foundation rock on which you build your life.

One of the most destructive and wasteful actions is the desire to seek revenge when someone does you wrong or harm. Trying to get even or to pay someone back for wrongdoing can trap you in a never-ending spiral of revenge and retaliation. Nothing is built. It just destroys lives.

The Golden Rule protects you from this and frees you to make effective choices.

The Golden Rule is simple and uncomplicated. Don’t think of a book of rules. Just focus on the one rule – The Golden Rule

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Author: Doro

After an extensive career in education, retired on medical grounds in 2016. I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in 2005 and set a goal to work till July, 2012. Then, I went on leave until my official retirement. In my various roles, I dealt with a range of parents, their aspirations for their children and students of a variety of ages. I also engaged with many teachers and colleagues and reflected on the strategies that worked and didn't work. This is the basis of my legacy.