

Continued from the previous page

2. This is not a dress rehearsal.

Seize the day and live a purposeful life.

The fact that you are alive means that you are. You exist. This is your life. When it’s over, you don’t come back for a second go. There is no replay.

A band preparing to tour, practices its play list so that they can do their best when on tour. Sometimes things go wrong. The remaining days on tour give the band a chance to resurrect their poor performance.

Existence (life) is a one tour performance. Admittedly, it can go on for a while, or for a short time. It can be snuffed out any time. You just don’t know when your time is up.

People whose job is to care for others, who are coming to the end of their lives, say that there are two distinct groups. One group of people face their coming death “without regrets”. They face death with acceptance and calmness. They lived a full life.

Another group, face the end of their life regretting the things they didn’t do. There is resentment and some bitterness as the end of life approaches. They have a sense of unfinished business.

Which group would you rather be in?

Some people suggest that you live each day as if it’s your last day on earth.

 From the moment we are born, each day brings us closer to the day our life ends.

The challenge is to live your life to the full despite the fact that you will die one day.


You can think of Life as that part of the journey between birth and death


Life – Its the bit between Birth and Death

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Author: Doro

After an extensive career in education, retired on medical grounds in 2016. I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in 2005 and set a goal to work till July, 2012. Then, I went on leave until my official retirement. In my various roles, I dealt with a range of parents, their aspirations for their children and students of a variety of ages. I also engaged with many teachers and colleagues and reflected on the strategies that worked and didn't work. This is the basis of my legacy.